Hide under the bed
In the most common places, people's love dolls are under their bedside boxes or beds. I often put sex dolls under the bed. People don't want to explore under the bed more than anywhere else. For example, people can get into your closet and see your personal belongings and bedside, but they are very unlikely to carry luggage from under the bed. Below is the best way to hide an adult doll under the bed: If the storage box on the bed is a little tight on your hands, the basket on the bed is a good choice. If you want to store your sexual dolls in your safest way, have a basket that you can lock. If you don't have a key, lock it, remember it, and be sure to leave space for something else. You can hide your sexual doll on top of some things, clothes, towels, beds, and anything underneath what's in the box. If you put an object or other basket around it instead of putting the love doll basket under the bed, the adult doll will not be visible and even those who are looking un...